So you want to become cabin crew and have an assessment day coming up, that’s great news! Here the cabin crew experts at AeroProfessional will walk you through everything for the open assessment day in the hope to make you feel more confident and more prepared to go get your dreams. The assessment days are for companies to evaluate if you have the basic knowledge and skills that a cabin crew member requires. They are not there to be difficult or to deceive you.
What is a Cabin Crew assessment day?
A flight attendant assessment day differs from a flight attendant open day in that an assessment day is by invitation only; you’ll always be sent an invitation ahead of time. You’ll have previously submitted your CV via the airline’s online application system. If your CV isn’t impressive enough, you might not even be invited to the assessment day which shows it is critical to always write a CV that stands out. Why not consider enrolling on a “Get A Cabin Crew Job” training course to really stand out from the crowd? You can find a course here.
A typical assessment centre – what can you expect on the day?
The reach test
The ‘reach exam’ is one the most crucial parts of the day because it is as simple as passing or failing the entire assessment day. Most airlines require you to be able to reach a height of 2.10-2.12m. This will be done without shoes and you will be able to stand on your tiptoes; one or both hands fingertips must be able to reach the marker.
Companies do these tests so they can see that you are able to access the safety equipment in the overhead lockers onboard the plane, thus it is really important that you can do this. As a tip, make a mark on the wall and practice reaching it every day at home — it’s amazing how many people miss out on this opportunity because they don’t realise how valuable it is! If you cannot reach the marker, it's not the end of the world, several Asian carriers, as well as some regional flights, have a somewhat lower reach test.
Behaviour style questions
Just like any other interview, a ‘behavioural style interview’ will be conducted. This means you’ll be asked to recount an incident from your own life that you believe answers the question. So, for example, you might be asked to “tell us about a moment when you provided great customer service?” You should give an example of a situation in which you were personally involved and describe what you did, how you did it, why you did it, and what happened as a result. Consider using the STAR technique to answer your questions to ensure you’re providing all the essential information.
It’s not a good idea to come up with these kinds of scenarios while thinking on your feet! Spend some time before your interview thinking about a few distinct instances from the last few years in which you believe you performed very effectively. If you already have a few incidents on hand, it will be much easier to respond. Teamwork, communication, problem solving, conscientiousness, high standards…basically anything you imagine an airline would want to see in their new hires will be covered by the questions.
Research the airline beforehand!
It's very important to know information about the company before going into an assessment day. The airline will want to know how much you know about their organisation and this can put you ahead of the competition because it will show the employer that you are dedicated to working for them. This is common interviewing procedure. A good tip is to take a look around their website and see if there are any recent news stories about the airline or the aviation sector in general. Make sure you know important details about the airline, such as who it collaborates with, where they fly from, what aircraft they have, and where they fly to… anything you think would demonstrate that you took the time to fully investigate the firm.
A multiple choice test
You might be handed a multiple choice test at some time during the day. This will describe several circumstances and provide you with a variety of options. After that, you must choose which answer you believe is correct. The airline wants to know how you’ll act, therefore this test will put you in hypothetical circumstances where you’ll have to make decisions. A lot of this is obvious sense, but think about it before you place your cross in the answer box: is this the answer that prioritises safety? Is it the one which prioritises the customer? Is it the one which demonstrates devotion and dedication? Always have in mind what the company wants and try and answer tactically.
The classic group task
Again, just like any other job interview it is important to show that you can work effectively in a team, be it leading the team or showing you’re a team player. You’ll need to demonstrate that you’re not only a strong candidate, but also that you can collaborate effectively with others. There have been numerous instances where a team has been derailed by individuals who are unable to work together, which can end in catastrophe especially in a high-pressured situation, so the airline will be on the lookout for any signals that you aren’t a good team player. Don’t be tricked into thinking that the directions for a group activity are about the task you’ve been given. It's not important what the details of this task are, so don’t get too worked up over them.
You will be given a task or an issue to solve and instructed to work together to do so. You’ll be given a time limit and will most likely need to utilise your imagination to come up with solutions. You may even find yourself having a good time. It’s unlikely that whether you solve the problem or not will make a significant difference. You must demonstrate that you can work cooperatively with others, that you are sensitive to their viewpoints, and that you do not trample on those who disagree with you. Make sure everyone is included in the conversation and that you listen to what others have to say. Volunteer your thoughts, but don’t get irritated if someone disagrees. Demonstrate to the company that you can interact with others in a friendly, considerate, and open manner, regardless of the work at hand.
The role-play, similar to the multiple choice test, will use hypothetical events to see how you would react. It doesn’t have to be an airline; after all, outstanding customer service looks the same no matter what industry you’re in. You might have to deal with a customer, and let’s face it, happy customers aren’t much of a challenge, are they? Expect to be met with an issue and to have to deal with it with care, sensitivity, and a positive attitude. You aren’t expected to know exactly what to do, but the airline will be looking to see whether you have a solid understanding of how to avoid annoying, irritating, or disappointing someone who has come to you for assistance.
The airline will have a good idea whether or not you are qualified for the job by the end of the assessment day. It's a good idea to also use the assessment day to decide whether the company is right for you, as well as if you are right for them. It's also a great time to network with likeminded fellow candidates.
So what are you waiting for? Start your journey towards your dream cabin crew job today with AeroProfessional. We have a number of cabin crew jobs available, so apply now!